Ardessie Falls Revisited
Last weekend I decided to make the most of a quiet Saturday and decent weather, and headed North West. I didn’t really have much of a plan, other than what general area to go to. I wanted to have a go at shooting some of my favourite landscapes on film, as an alternative to photography for a change.
As I approached Ullapool, I took a spur of the moment decision to take a left at the Braemore Junction and head back to Ardessie Falls. I had stumbled upon these falls by accident when I was out shooting landscapes for my book two years ago.

They don’t look much from the road as they are far enough away to look tiny and irrelevant. However a walk up the hillside brings you to a spectacular set of falls, with an incredible mountain backdrop.
I was travelling very light – which was part of my plan. To get creative with minimal equipment, which all fitted in a very small backpack. I will do another vlog/blog later to show the kit I carried, but you will be surprised at exactly how little gear you need to shoot decent work.
Anyway, Ardessie did not let me down, and again produced some amazing imagery. Here’s a short video and please be warned, I had nobody to model so had to make a brief appearance, to show scale and a bit of human interaction.
Comment below or on YouTube to let me know your thoughts, and tell me where your favourite waterfalls are! I’m always keen to visit new places.