Getting Creative

I am currently working on a number of ideas, and planning shoots, still looking for models actually if anyone fancies it!

Anyway my pal Debs was back in the area, and I couldn’t resist asking if she fancied doing something. No plan, no outfits, no problem. She mentioned a leotard she had and I left that part in her capable hands.

We spent more time driving to find a location than we did shooting, as the weather wasn’t great, and we needed shelter.

Once again, the team delivered. Ten minute shoot. One camera, one lens, one flashgun. Chuffed with the images and looking forward to our 2020 shoot – joking…. I hope we can do this more often!

The great thing about working with someone like Debs, is that she is so creative and knows exactly what I need. We are on the same page, which makes the shoots easy. I literally push the shutter button and she does the rest.

A few images from our ridiculously quick session…


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