Hogmanay Walk – Beinn Eighe
I hate New Year – I say it every year. It just seems like a waste of a few days. I have never really understood the point of celebrating the change of a date on the calendar. I have always said my bit about resolutions and goals. They should be set regularly, and whenever you feel like change. Too many people make no changes but somehow expect the change of page on the calendar will bring fortune and success in some aspect(s) of their lives, without realising they have the power to change things themselves.
Anyway, enough about that. I spent two days up in Wester Ross, walking. The first day, Hogmanay, was the epic day. I walked on New years day as well, but the weather was poor and I didn’t even take my camera out of the bag. Hogmanay, on the other hand, was beautiful, and I headed up to the Torridon area, which I have made no secret of my love for. I had some suggestions from a friend, and chose a walk up to The Triple Buttress of Coire Mhic Fhearchair, near Beinn Eighe. I walked almost 9 miles in total, out and back, and although I was knackered afterwards, it was a fabulous way to see out 2019, and no hangover to worry about.
The first part of the walk was quite hard, until I realised I had overdressed, expecting it to be much colder. For the 31st of December, it was incredible that I was walking up into the mountains wearing just a hoodie. I was sweating so much, at least until near the top when the wind did cool me down a little. I had seen a couple of photos of the waterfalls, but to be honest forgot about them,as the pics I saw were nothing interesting. However, when I eventually found them, I was blown away. Spectacular, and after a couple of hours of regretting carting a tripod and all my other gear, I was finally so glad I had.

The corrie at the top was a different landscape entirely, like being on the surface of the moon or something, after hours of golden light, hills and greenery, I was faced with harsh, rugged scenery. I was worried about timings, so didn’t hang about too long up there, as we don’t get much daylight this time of year. I have to admit I didn’t enjoy going back. It seemed longer as I had seen it all before, and I got tired, mentally and physically, as it has been a very long time since I walked like this. I am fairly fit from cycling, but this was totally different. I was so happy to finally see my car!
I loved doing this, and it will be the first of many such adventures in the mountains. I am hoping for some winter scenes next time though!
Here’s a short film I shot while walking.