Massive Thank You!
When I first had the idea to do the Kickstarter campaign just over a month ago, it was a bit of a dream really. I really wanted to do the book, but it was a big gamble to do it on my own, hence the idea to use crowdfunding. For probably all of the 20 years I have been doing photography, it was always a dream to have a book of my own work. Yet, it seemed a difficult and unlikely thing. Hard work, determination, and support from some good people though….
The beauty of the crowdfunding route, is you guage the interest, presell them, and basically have an audience which will say yay or nay to the idea. The reaction to this has been amazing. I initially had my doubts about raising £6000 to pay for it, but here I am almost at £8000 with three days left to run. It has been a humbling experience, and I appreciate so much, the support of everyone has contributed to this.
A few cynics are dismissing the idea, and bitching about this method, but it is a totally awesome way to make a project happen. Every single person who has contributed will be getting something worthwhile back, so they are basically purchasing products and experiences, not just handing me money, as some people seem to think.
People are receiving limited edition prints, books, training days, and much more. One or two people have even negotiated slightly different packages, so they are getting my services for their business in return. It is definitely a two way process where everyone benefits. I don’t think it will be my last Kickstarter campaign that’s for sure.
So, from the bottom of my heart, a massive thank you to everyone. The people who have backed it, shared it, helped promote it, and even just sent messages of encouragement. You are all part of this journey, and I appreciate it so much.
Now the hard work begins. A summer of shooting morning and night all around the North of Scotland, every spare hour, then the design process, finding outlets to sell the books, and getting rewards out to everyone!
Exciting times ahead, and plans for a day off around November!
Thanks again, and prepare for a summer of constant updates from the road!