
Size Does Matter (Sometimes)

am as guilty as anyone of using wide angle lenses for landscapes. Well, that’s what they are for really, aren’t they? Getting wide shots, capturing skies, seas, scenery and as much as you can. Well, yes. I love shooting really wide. Most of my favourite shots are wide angle shots taken on the Canon 16-35mm f2.8, which is my all time favourite lens, not just for landscapes, but for weddings, portraits, fashion shoots as well.

The Old Man of Storr, Skye

Heading North on the A855 from Portree, you see the Old Man long before you reach the parking area. It protrudes from the hillside impressively, catching your eye, and drawing you towards it. The light was fantastic as I drove towards it, and I thought I should capture some images from Loch Leathan before I got there, in case the light didn’t last. I was right!

What’s In A Picture?

Recently I have been thinking a lot (yes, hard to believe, I know) about my images. Before and after I have made them. I was actually thinking, that the feeling I get from a scene, may affect how I shoot it, and also, how I edit the final image, depending on my own mood, and the feel I have for the image.

Composition & Thinking Differently

One thing I have done recently, is go back to what I used to do years ago, and think beyond the standard SLR 3:2 ratio, and think panoramic, square, 5:4, and so on. I have now fallen in love with the square format all over again. I used to crop square a lot in my early days of portraits and weddings, but I have found it a refreshing change shooting landscape photography as a square image.


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