Strictly Inverness
Last weekend I was lucky enough to be asked to cover this year’s Strictly Inverness event, which was the tenth anniversary of this fundraiser, which has brought in a huge amount of money for the Highland Hospice and Inverness Ice Centre.

This year there was the added bonus of celebrity dancer Anton Du Beke being there for the final, as a celebrity judge. This was a fantastic decision by the organisers as he really added extra sparkle to the event, with his witty comments.

As many will know, I took part in this event in 2013 – the least said about it the better – so it has always been an event I enjoy. As soon as the music starts up, I have goosebumps and great memories. It is such a well put together and professional event, so if you haven’t been before, get tickets next year! Why not apply to be a dancer as well? It truly is a journey which you will remember forever.