Tulloch Castle Wedding Photography – Shirley & Willi

Shirley Marshall and Willi Robertson were married at Tulloch Castle in Dingwall. I hadn’t done a wedding there for a wee while, so it was great to be back. The weather was a bit dodgy so it was fingers crossed forĀ  dry spell. The girls got ready at the flat at the side of the castle, so we started there getting the make up and preparation shots, before heading down for the small and intimate ceremony in the dungeon. It was pretty dark in there, so the camera was tested at high ISO with just candles lighting the room. After the ceremony we spent some time outside before the rain and then had some fun shooting indoors including the stained glass window which has become expected of me since I started that trend at Tulloch about 5 years ago! After that it was time to cut the ‘cake’…the cake was actually a mountain of Harry Gow’s dream rings…..nom nom……. and then dinner and speeches before leaving them all to have a great evening!



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