north coast 500

Size Does Matter (Sometimes)

am as guilty as anyone of using wide angle lenses for landscapes. Well, that’s what they are for really, aren’t they? Getting wide shots, capturing skies, seas, scenery and as much as you can. Well, yes. I love shooting really wide. Most of my favourite shots are wide angle shots taken on the Canon 16-35mm f2.8, which is my all time favourite lens, not just for landscapes, but for weddings, portraits, fashion shoots as well.

Making The Effort

I wanted to talk a little bit about getting the best from your landscape photographs. I see so many images from locations I know, and they are, well, very similar. I know this is a problem, especially nowadays with the number of images we are seeing online, from cameras and cameraphones, and there are only so many ways you can photograph the same location.


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